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Professor emeritus of Mechanical Engineering, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, ETH

Dr. Lino Guzzella

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Lino Guzzella received his mechanical engineering diploma in 1981 from ETH Zurich, followed by his doctoral degree in 1986. From 1999 to 2023 Lino Guzzella was a full professor in the Mechanical and Process Engineering Department of ETH where he taught all introductory classes in control systems and system dynamics. From 2012 to 2014 he was Rector and from 2015 to 2018 President of ETH. Prior to 1999 Lino Guzzella held positions in industry (Sulzer Brothers, Winterthur and Hilti, Schaan) and academia (in the EE and ME department of ETH, as Honda Visiting Professor at OSU, Columbus, Ohio and as Springer Visiting Professor at UC Berkeley, California). With his group he focused his research on novel approaches in system dynamics and control of energy conversion systems. A particular emphasis was placed on the minimization of fuel consumption and pollutant emission of vehicle propulsion systems. He is a fellow of IFAC and of IEEE and a member of the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences. In addition to his academic activities, he is a member of several boards of directors and advisory committees. Lino Guzzella was born in 1957 and is a Swiss and Italian citizen.

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