Food, feed & confectioneryAdvanced materials
The SORTEX is an ATEX-compliant optical sorter suitable for multiple color detection, size grading, and foreign material removal in dry products. It sorts grains, pulses, seeds, coffee, nuts, and plastics in throughputs of up to 40 t/h.
InGaAs technology enhances visibility of defects so the high-definition cameras can detect them. Visibility is enhanced even for those defects that are the same color as good products, such as sclerotia in sunflower seed.
PROfile technology is an intelligent software that analyzes the pre-defined size, shape, and color of your product. It then removes unwanted product that does not meet these parameters. Typical applications include removing undersized, oversized, and broken particles.
We have service centers in more than 140 countries. So you can get quick access to spare parts, services, and maintenance support. Or use our SORTEX Total Care SafeGuard service and give our expert engineers remote access to your sorter so they can make real-time adjustments. Our regional competence centers also offer research facilities, training, and consultancy.
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