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Process Technology Bead Mills

2 days
Alzenau, Germany
Operators, R&D employees, managers and decision-makers
German, English
1500 Euro

Opetors and laboratory personnel know the operation and function of BÜHLER machines and are able to recognize irregularities in operation to ensure quality and optimum performance.

The course will include:

  • Difference between high performance mills and Standard full-volume mills
  • Influence, possibilities and evaluation of specific energy requirements
  • Effects of various process parameters, e.g. bead filling degree, temperature, rotor speed, throughput
  • Optimization of process parameters
  • Scale-up considerations
  • Function of mechanical seal
  • Set-up of full-volume mill Centex and high-performance mills DCP SuperFlow and MicroMedia
  • Display, operation and control system
  • Documentation of data processing
  • Grinding preparation
  • Practical application of previous day theory
  • Effects of various process parameters, e.g. bead filling degree, temperature, rotor speed, throughput
  • Optimization of process parameters
  • Scale-up inspections
  • Practical application at the machine, on request with your special product

Open to every skill level

  • Snacks, soft drinks, coffee breaks and a lunchtime meal
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Letter of invitation for visa application and support finding the right accommodations
  • Comprehensive handout covering what you are learning
  • Certificate confirming your attendance

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