Zambian Breweries, Anheuser-Busch InBev Luska and Ndola, Zambia.

Global expertise, local support.

Zambian Breweries is the largest brewer in Zambia, operating major plants in both Lusaka and Ndola. Established in 1968 and now part of ABInBev, its product range includes some of the country’s most popular lagers, such as Mosi, Eagle and Castle. The company also has a clear focus on sustainability, as well as helping to improve the livelihoods of local communities.

Despite Zambia’s currency recovering from years of market volatility there are still low levels of disposable income, which means the company uses alternative raw materials like sorghum and cassava to make its beer more affordable and ensure wider access to high-quality products. However, being in “the middle of Africa and brewing beer can sometimes be a challenge,” says Franz Schepping, ABInBev’s Operations Director for Southern Africa. This means that equipment needs to be “robust and easy to operate”. 


The Bühler equipment is of high quality and very reliable in its operation.

Dipo Tembo , Brewing Manager, Zambian Breweries

An obvious choice

When the company needed to upgrade its facilities – including increasing capacity and improving its processes – Bühler was an obvious choice, not just for its unmatched skills and experience but the fact that it had a local office in Zambia. “This makes it easier for us from a support perspective,” says Schepping. “When we had this brewery built we made a deliberate decision to go with Bühler.” All the equipment for raw material handling was supplied by Bühler, with the DDH dry-husking package proving particularly successful. “It’s an easy and simple but very effective way of milling malt with added benefits to our business,” says Schepping. “We further noticed a positive trend in our taste scores since the implementation of DDH.”

The project was very successful. We had a good collaboration and communication with Bühler, and all the project milestones were achieved.

Franz Schepping, ABInBev Operations Director, Southern Africa

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