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Sample collector

Automatically collect samples of whole kernels, flour, or semolina. The MZET can collect up to 12 samples in a 5- or 10-liter container.

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Key benefits

Sensor-controlled sampling process
Adjustable level probes for full and low level monitor whether the sample containers are full. As soon as a container is full, the system moves the next container into place.
Choose between two different models
The MZET comes in two different models. The MZET 10 can automatically collect up to 12 samples in a 5- or 10-liter container. The MZET 1 collects just 1 sample in a 5-liter container.
Constant moisture content
Each container closes automatically after filling. The MZET also has a unique sealing system which helps to prevent samples from drying out.

Flexible, reliable, and hygienic

Avoid mix-ups

Add a unique ID to each of your samples

The MZET has an optional RFID system, where you can add a unique ID number to each of your samples. So you can track them more easily through the lab.

Unchanged sample properties

Samples will not dry out

The unique sealing principle prevents the samples from drying out. Each sample remains automatically sealed after filling – the moisture content remains unchanged.

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