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Digital process service regulating water at dough preparation


PastaPro is our digital process service that regulates the water in the production of dough. It eliminates moisture fluctuations in raw materials and ensures a consistant quality of the product entering the drying process in real time.

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Key benefits

Constant product quality at lower production costs
The automatic regulation of dough moisture enables the moisture content of dried pasta to be optimized during production and ensures constant product quality without losses in production capacity.
Minimizing human errors
PastaPro reduces the need for manual corrections to water quantities in the dough preparation process. The system regulates itself, depending on the moisture content of the raw material and the defined recipes.
Constant dough moisture
Achieve constant dough moisture by compensating for the fluctuation of moisture levels in raw material by adding water in a controlled manner. This enables uniform and targeted drying, which benefits the moisture content of dried pasta.

Application possibilities

Highlight features

Developed for industrial use

Compact and rugged design

The components of the multi NIR inline system are designed for industrial applications and are resistant to interfering factors, such as vibrations or temperature fluctuations. It is distinguished by the high precision and reliability of its measurements. The optical fiber cable allows a maximum distance of 200 m from the sensor to spectrometer without long response times.

Digital functions

Improve processes and product traceability

The PastaPro has a digital dashboard which displays past and present quality parameters. It compares different production lines and time periods and helps to benchmark and improve performance. It also compiles reports summarizing all the data from each production lot. So you can improve traceability and make quick decisions about product releases.

Reduce production costs

Increased profit thanks to optimized moisture content.

Create the ideal conditions for starting the drying process and meet a defined moisture content for dried pasta. With narrow moisture distributions for dried pasta, you can reduce the amount of reground product or waste produced. Check the ROI calculator for a simulation of your production case.

The probes and camera are not affected by dust, high temperatures, and vibration. Thus, they can run reliably for long periods of time. You can also choose where to install them with several predefined positions to choose from. So you can target the process step that matters most for your production.

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