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Kawasan Industri Blessindo - Tangerang, Indonesia

Service station

To further our commitment to customer service, we have established a service center in Western Indonesia. This center offers roll services, pellet die refurbishment and ejector services. It also contains local stocks of spare parts to shorten delivery times.


Facts about this location

1500 +
Servicing of dies and rolls
Starting in 2013, more than 1500 rolls and dies have been processed by our teams at the Surabaya service station.
100 +
Fabrication of auxiliary equipment
We offer auxiliaries manufacturing and customer-specific, onsite services.

How to find us

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How to find us

Indonesia - Gempol - Pasuruan, Jawa Timur


+62 34 365 7648

Jl. Raya Gempol, Desa Cangkring Malang,
Kecamatan Beiji, Kabupaten Pasuruan