Our production schedule is time based and tough. With Buhler's Remote care, the delays are reduced to a minimum. The operators can work more efficient now.
Bühler es el socio que le proporciona soluciones en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar. Remote Care también nos permite ofrecerle asistencia siempre que se produzcan averías sin precedentes, aumentando el tiempo activo y garantizando el funcionamiento ininterrumpido. En este mundo rápidamente cambiante, estamos siempre a su disposición de manera remota para cubrir las necesidades de su negocio sin tener que desplazarnos a sus instalaciones. Además de para ofrecerle una asistencia continua y de calidad, nos asociamos para ayudarle a ahorrar tiempo y costos de desplazamiento y a reducir las emisiones de CO2 derivadas. Disponemos de 500 ingenieros de asistencia remota en todo el mundo; todos ellos están altamente calificados y reciben una capacitación individual de 15 días al año.
Our production schedule is time based and tough. With Buhler's Remote care, the delays are reduced to a minimum. The operators can work more efficient now.
Today`s cancer diagnostics and COVID19 tests are made through optical filters. Delta, a key supplier based in Denmark is a pioneer in the optical filter industry since the 1970s. Quality being the highest priority, especially in the medical field, Delta relies on Bühler as their trusted partner to keep their machines running 24/7. With preventive maintenance, downtime is kept to a minimum and planned thoroughly beforehand and Delta profits from having the right consumables on site at the right time. When spare parts are needed, they easily find and order them through the customer portal myBühler. Augmented reality glasses provide Delta with fast remote support close to them whenever they need support or an expert opinion.
Les Moulins de la Concorde is the only flour milling company in Mauritius and provides flour to 1.2 million people. Throughout the 30 years of partnership with Bühler, many projects have been realized: Automation upgrades and connecting their plants to the Bühler Insights platform, as well as regular trainings of staff and management have helped increase reliability, availability and uptime. A transparent overview from yield management system all the way through to overall equipment effectiveness helps secure uninterrupted production.
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