Customer service

myBühler customer portal

myBühler is Bühler’s official customer portal. It was established in 2016 to offer Bühler’s customers a digital overview of all their assets and to provide them easy access to our digital services and our e-Commerce platform. myBühler is ISO-27001 certified and free for all Bühler customers. It’s available in over 130 countries worldwide and in eight languages. In 2021, every third spare part order was placed online via myBühler. The user friendliness is the guiding principle of the myBühler platform, and it is continuously enhanced with new features. Since last year, Bühler’s customers can identify their required spare parts directly by taking a photo – thanks to the automated image recognition software. Another popular feature is the bulk entry mode, which allows customers to process large purchase orders within seconds. More about Bühler’s digital customer portal myBühler can be found here or in the video below.


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